Yup. That's it. I want to tell them to shut up. I've been taking shots at religious people for being irrrational and being represented by idiots like Abu Hamza, Kirk Cameron and recently, the Pope Benedict. But at the same time, i'm getting sick of Annoying Atheists. These folks just go around and take shots at religion just to make themselves look cool. They think everyone who follows a religion is stupid and irrational for believeing in a "sky God" or "fairy tales". Infact, they've dedicated everything just to shit on religion, by complaining about saying God's name in Obama's Inauguration, to creating Ads for Buses saying that there is no God:

Infact, i just want to ask: Why? What has religion done to you? Sure, religion has done alot of shitty thinggs but how does it affect you? And why should anyone care if someone believes in God? Why are you trying so hard to be as annoying as those raving Christian lunatics on TV? And yes, maybe religion is evil, but so is money, and greed. There is a thing called "necessary evil you know".
And yes, maybe people tend believe in a "sky God", but is God really a man in the Sky as the Christians say? There is more to God than just some bloke in the sky. There are many interpretations of God. Maybe God is the centre of the universe? Maybe God is some fat dude in his couch with a TV remote controlling the universe itself? Maybe God is a form of energy that Scientists are trying to control? Maybe God is a matter that we haven't explored yet? God is not some bloke in the sky. Carl Sagan gave an interesting view on God, and Niels Bohr believes that God does not play with dice. I'm a Muslim, and a non-religious one. But i believe in God because the idea of God is something we haven't explored, according to the Koran itself. And it's up to humans to either explore, worship or disprove.
And isn't there a saying : "Live and Let Live". I've been telling that to every fellow Muslim fanatic who burned the Norwegian Flag after the whole Muhammad cartoon Incident. I told that to every Christian who fears that Obama is the anti-Christ ever since his victory. Now i want to tell that to Atheists reading this: Live and Let Live. There are people who believes in God. Deal with it. You can convert 10 Christians into Atheists, but you will find 20 Atheists who suddenly rediscovers God after something spiritual happened to them. It's the cycle of life. And if you want to break that cycle just like what the radical Evangelists & PETA is doing right now, i won't stop you but you'll know that you will have to give up on it and accept other people for what they believe.
wow u're actually quite a cool dude.
Well i don't think that applies to all atheists. it's always wrong to apply a blanket rule due to just a few bad oranges.
and u rock; cos u're the very first Muslim dude that wants peace between Israel and Palestine instead of condemning the Jews.
People are free to give their opinion.
In such countries, sarcasms are towards the Christians/Religions because Christians evangelize them
to follow Christianity.
If you are forced, you are mad arent ya?
That's why people use their ideology to defeat the narrow-minded religious people.
Einstein actually said God does not play dice.
Wow muslims are Big insult to God.. they are another race for satan
Staunch atheists really bug me too. Setting out to shattering someone's entire belief system in the guise of "debate" is really rather perverse.
Very belated response but RIGHT ON! You've put it perfectly. I'm a deist-cum-spiritualist (lousy labels but they're the best I've found). I've no brief for organised religion, but I am SO sick of the bullying idiots who have nothing better to do than trot out adolescent-level insults and pat themselves on the back for their wit and superior learning. They talk about God in terms as shallow, and narrow, as any Old Testament literalist - in fact they come across as the mirror image of that lot, and seem to think that's the only face of Christianity. It's about as sensible as saying the Taliban represent Islam. But it's not like they stick to the wrongs being done by organised religion - the institutions, churches and so on - they seem to object to the very idea that someone might have beliefs or experiences that cannot be dissected or reproduced in some formulaic way, and (oh noes!) derive joy and comfort from those things. No, it's all about labelling people delusional and wanting everyone to fit a narrow definition of normal (when you see atheists saying the religious are mentally ill, it gets really creepy).
Sorry for the long rant, you put it much more elegantly in your post. :)
Another extremely belated response:
Why? What has religion done to you?
Religion on its own would not get the rise out of atheists if it were truly a personal belief. I have friends that believe in ghosts, and even know people that believe in leprechauns, but I never debate them on it nor confront them unless they broach the subject with me first. Religion tends to inject itself into our government and lives though. If you were an atheist, religion would be equivalent to believing in leprechauns...again not a big deal. But, once your money and pledge says "Follow the Leprechauns", people are trying to get "Leprechaun catching" taught in schools, and scientific research on four leaf clovers is halted due to the sensitivities we project on the supposed leprechauns as a society...what would you do? At that point, it doesn't matter whether the belief in leprechauns is absurd, but that society is trying to inject it into everyone's lives whether they like it or not. Some leprechaun atheists might attack the government removing the leprechaun policies that are the problem, whilst others might try to attack the belief itself being the root of the problem. Some might do both. There you have the rationale of atheists.
"Live and Let Live"
We would love to, and once you let atheists live without placing religious laws into our government that control our lives, we will do so. But until you let us live, we will fight.
God is an almighty being. He is not limited by time, evil or impossibilities. Christianity is what saved me. God came in my life and everything changed. What he does, why he does it and who he really is is beyond humane logic. It's all a result of "Christians" living in hypocrisy that our faith has slipped. Atheism claims he isn't real. Well how do you know that God is even bothered by this "reality" we live by. I've prayed, and I have been answered. It's no coincidence or mind trick. Heaven awaits us. All of us have a chance to repent. The LORD is the way to Heaven.
Simply not being Christian does not make you a "race for Satan".
Atheism is philosophized insanity.
It has no support either in logic, reason or in any science. It's an intellectual black hole.
You are way off in this, "is God really a man in the Sky as the Christians say?"
Christians do not say that at all.
Obviously you got that from a serious misinterpretation of "our father in heaven".
On the contrary, we say God is everywhere - omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent.
The whole idea of "father in heaven" relates to how God is infinitely higher and greater than us. It means that as the earth is a mathematical point on the universal scale, so is man compared to God.
When we says, "father in heaven", we're not referring to some guy sitting on a cloud, as you and the silly atheists imagine.
That's the atheists bad habit of transferring his own foolish views of God onto others.
Atheism, on the other hand, has no foundations at all. It is merely denial of realities.
Atheists are a pain in the arse for the whole world because all they do is whine, complain, criticize what they cannot understand because their minds are on hold.
One dummy says he wants no religious values imposed on him.
Well then we'll just remove your rights to all religious holidays too. Saturday (Sabbath), Sunday, Xmas, Easter,...
We'll also have to remove your rights to anything that was conceived out of religious values! Then we must remove all things of atheist origin upon us too, to be fair.
There, happy?
Atheist regimes have slaughtered more people than any religion in the history of the world. Like 140 million or more in the 20th century alone!
In spite of this glaring fact, they still think of themselves as smarter, better, etc. than everyone else.
They're a small minority.
But an incredibly big mouthed minority!
As even Voltaire recognized, "The atheists are for the most part imprudent and misguided scholars who reason badly...".
Atheism obliges its dupes to believe the universe created itself out of nothing.
But "nothing" doesn't exist. Thus "nothing" has no properties, no energy & can do nothing.
Thus to believe the universe created itself is a logical absurdity, which in turn means atheism is a form of insanity.
A supreme being is the only possible answer to the origin of the universe.That being men have always called "God".
As ex-atheist CS Lewis wrote,
"My argument against God was that the universe seemed so cruel and unjust. But how had I got this idea of just and unjust? A man does not call a line crooked unless he has some idea of a straight line. ...If the whole show was bad and senseless from A to Z, so to speak, why did I, who was supposed to be part of the show, find myself in such violent reaction against it? A man feels wet when he falls into water, because man is not a water animal: a fish would not feel wet.
Of course, I could have given up my idea of justice by saying that it was nothing but a private idea of my own. But if I did that, then my argument against God collapsed too-for the argument depended on saying that the world was really unjust, not simply that it did not happen to please my private fancies. ... Consequently atheism turns out to be too simple. If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning: just as, if there were no light in the universe and therefore no creatures with eyes, we should never know it was dark. Dark would be without meaning."
The atheists invoking of a "multiverse","quantum fluctuations" and such are merely symptoms of his insanity since all this is worse than magic, it is making mere speculations reality.
Disbelief in God does not result in a belief in nothing; it usually results in a belief in anything at all!
You must correct you erroneous view of the Christian God.
The God of Christianity is the God of Abraham.
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